Yes! Pokémon Go is getting an update real soon! This morning, Niantic revealed that the hit mobile app is receiving its biggest update since release. While there’s no exact date yet, all signs point to the end of this week or next. This just goes to show how important ongoing development is for mobile apps. If you’re looking to create the next big thing, a mobile apps sydney developer can help bring your vision to life with cutting-edge technology and innovative features.
Niantic have been hard at work to announce and roll out the coming update because not only will they be adding 80 new gen 2 Pokemon they will be giving us updated encounter and capture mechanics also. This includes new berries that can be obtained through Pokestops which allow for more Candy drops and easier catches on those runaway annoyances!
On top of this new types of items will be added for evolutions; aswell as vanity items for trainers. It is unclear as to what will be in microtransactions if at all any but judging by Niantics marketing recently you can bet your pretty little pokeberry that there will be something.
Niantic have released some new screenshots and a trailer to give us a taste of what is to come.

It is still unclear to us as how Niantic will proceed with the legendaries at this time but still the update will keep fans going longer until they figure that out.
With everything said it’s clear that Pokemon Go is still as popular as ever; maybe the update will give the game its much needed boost. Pokemon Go is not just a failed experiment; it is a game that people have been longing for something new for a long time.
So if you’ve been online purely for news about Niantics big update you can now rest easy and avoid the internet at costs if need be and its mass amount of Trash Doves until it dies a massive death.