LEGO Blocks, Assemble!
Another LEGO title you say? Yes, but this is a bit different than the set LEGO games that you have to come to see and love throughout the years. This is an all out brawl, survival of fittest block… Bandai Namco have brought LEGO Brawls to the table. I’ve spent the last few days with the game and have mixed thoughts. The bottom line is, if you’re a lover of LEGO and want a few hour of fun here and there with others via online or locally, LEGO Brawls won’t set you wrong. However, I must stress, this is a very, very simple game…
Now I’m not saying that LEGO Brawls being a simple game is a bad thing. Not at all. However, I also don’t think that LEGO Brawls is going to go down in anyone’s top 10 LEGO games of all time. You really just have to take it for what it is. The game starts buy letting you choose from 4 pre-set LEGO characters and then puts you into a ‘tutorial’ brawl so you can get used to the controls. Trust me, it takes 10 seconds for you to get used to the controls in LEGO Blocks. You literally move, have the square button for a regular attack and the circle button is your special attack. That really is it.

Once you’ve past this ‘tutorial’ you are then given the chance to fully customise your LEGO character. This is where the game shines. There are hundreds of blocks you can personalise your characters with, such as blocks from LEGO Jurassic World and others. A lot of these blocks are obtained as you play throughout brawls in the game, so the collection-ist in me will keep going back and trying to get the platinum. It’s a platinum that I feel won’t be the hardest to obtain.
Gameplay wise, it reminded me of a lacklustre version of Super Smash Bros. Some of the maps look nice on the PlayStation 5 in terms of the colour scheme etc, but that’s really about it. Like I said previously, the Brawls are merely a button bashing, jumping exercise. Mostly, you play in a free-for-all, or a capture the flag scenarios. I enjoyed the free-for-all brawls more. The special attacks were fun, with the ability to become a whirlwind or a car to smash your opponents out of the park. Other special abilities include a rocket and the ability to bring in a dragon, which is fun, but doesn’t last long at all.

I wish that there was more to say about LEGO Brawls, but unfortunately it isn’t. It is fun, and more for the casual, much younger gamer than myself. Kids will have a good time with this but anyone looking for something substation with LEGO Brawls, I can’t really recommend this. A fun little game that perhaps, could have gotten away more with it just being on mobile.
A big thank you to Bandai Namco for the PlayStation 5 review code.